Monday, October 21, 2013

The milestone

The Milestone Paper: 

Interested in the separation of east (Middle East) and west after living in both places; At this stage I am looking into the meaning and effects of borders, barriers and walls between humans; not only their physical qualities but also their psychological and political implications. I am hoping to raise awareness or create a conversation around them. 

Based on my observations and research I decided to investigate two aspects of these divisions and their affects. One: the physical barriers that are built, such as west bank wall, Tijuana Wall, Berlin wall and many more. Two: I am looking into the hidden and invisible walls, such as language polemics used in a speech or television show, or passport as a hidden dividers and many more. Currently I am researching the two aspects individually but they may overlap at some point in the research.

The nature of this thesis is strongly political. Not only because the starting point of this research was the conflict between Palestine and Israel and the wall in West bank but also because these walls, both hidden and visible barriers, existence due to a political issue, or they hope to create one.

Born and raised in Tehran, I moved to the United Arab Emirates at 18 for higher education and for the hope of better future. I was looking for freedom. At the time freedom not wearing a scarf or Manto (a long cover to cover the body) was freedom. I considered myself an activist when I was living in Iran, defending women’s rights by getting involved in debated with other groups of youth or distributing presidential flyers around even though I was not even eligible to vote. But once I left Iran the definition of freedom changed. I was exposed to a bigger picture. Freedom to me was to get the right information and be free to make the right decision. During my stay there I met people from many nationalities, and soon I realized that the topic of my conversations changed. I was trying really hard defending my country and my people. What many knew and though of Iran was not true or at least it was not everything they should knew. So from complaining I moved to defending.

During the 8 years that I lived in the UAE I traveled to Lebanon, Sri Lanka, France, United States, Mexico, Frankfurt and Australia I observed and learned so much. But it was not until I started living in the USA that I found it necessary to look into the topic of barriers, borders and walls.

In June 2012 moved to the US, San Francisco about a year ago to study in California Collage of the Arts. Not too long after I moved I realized that I was not so much talking about Iran and Iranians but I was talking about the Middle East and defending that side of the world from the stereotypes. In my daily regular conversations I heard statements like " US needs to kill the bad people", " darling you are a good person but there are many bad people in your country" or " if the US doesn't take care of bad people another 9/11 is going to happen" and many more. I wondered how someone could allow himself or herself to think or believe that killing the “other” is ok. What made me pick this area, as my interest was another war between Israel and Palestine that broke out in October 2012. I watched what the media broadcasted, read all the comments and information that was going around in the news through television or internet at the time. It was very obvious to me that the information was creating a division between people. I observed how innocent civilian people of Palestine were pictured as dangerous humans that deserve to die. I never trusted news channels in Iran and always imagined how different they must be in the US. But digging deeper I was surprised. Watching the news and paying a close attention to the language used during the war made me remember the statements that I heard after my arrival here and I learned why people think that way. One of the most dangerous things that these mediums do is dehumanizing the “other” therefor the actions you take towards them is justified and no one would appose it. 

The process that I went through is as bellow:

My interest in the physical conflict narrowed me down to the west bank wall. This wall is built on the land of Palestinians and imprisons them within their own country.
As a result I have tried to re-create the effects and feelings created because of the creation of the wall within the 2D space using photography. I used light, depth of field to create the spaces. Even though the spaces were received positively and strongly I didn't spend enough time, investigating them and moved on. Quickly I placed silhouette figures within those spaces trying to add to the meaning behind them. My intention was to help people feel how it is to be in those spaces by interacting with the spaces. As soon as I did that it was clear that placing the figures within the spaces was not the right answer. I was saying too much, the figures were not helping the viewer feel anything but they were telling the viewer what to feel and that was not what I wanted to achieve. 

Since these walls are massive and very tall, scale is an important thing to communicate. I have created scale within my 2D images but, to imagine a scale is one thing and to feel it is another. Therefor as the second step I decided to use projector to enlarge the spaces and allow the viewer experience the scale and hopefully the space. I managed to achieve the feeling of scale to some extend but I feel the ephemeral feeling of the projector failed to communicate the importance of these barriers and spaces. The west bank wall, where it divides the resident, is 8 meters tall and made out of concrete. The material and the length blocks any view of the other side. Also, since the wall goes all the around the west bank, It creates a huge scale prison that people need permission and visas in order to go beyond the wall, they will be checked every time they want to pass the wall like one would before entering or exiting a prison. The wall and the event mentioned earlier create the feeling of entrapment and it challenges hope. Therefor my next step would be finding the right way to communicate the missing information. Maybe creating these images in a large scale, ideally real size will be a way to continue the experiment and research. I may bring back the projectors somewhere down the line but for now I think I will move away. I have to say the cost of building large-scale spaces is a little challenging for me. 

Further to all above, looking back at my earlier spaces and work, I think there are qualities that I can use and take advantage of that I abandoned too early. The images said a lot even though they were simple and minimal, in ways they communicated some of the feelings I wanted to create with the least shown and said; the playfulness of the light and more. Looking back at the gif file made me wonder how I can go back to the light and wall experimentation. Therefor part of the next step I would like to look back on simplicity and minimal. 

As of right now, I have not explored the second aspect of the wall as much as I hoped to, the hidden/ invisible walls. The only study in that aspect is mapping out the language used by Netanyahu in UN against Iranian president and is viewed as a wall to making peace. I definitely need more help and investigation in that area. 

Milestone one: Recreation of a feeling within a space

At this stage I would like to investigate typography as a medium to communicate barriers and walls. I believe bringing typography into the spaces that I am creating will help engaging the audience with the work. Through this milestone I will be creating a model or a space that I can use to create the spaces using typography. The outcome with the 4 studies that I think is conveying the messages that I want.

Milestone two: Language Visualization

Exploring the notion of Borders and find a visual system of mapping them. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The wall Study

The wall Study

It didn't take too long for me to realize that the previous stage was all about projections. I used the projector as a tool to enlarge the spaces that I created but the nature of the projection took over the real purpose of the images. So for this step I decided to step away and just study the walls. 

Therefor I took a camera and started walking around the city and capturing walls. I studies the different qualities of these walls. Walls that were decorative, walls that were meant to be protective. Also what were the meaning of some walls. if a house door is clocked by another metal door what does it initiate. The feeling behind the materials that was used to build the walls. 

Bellow are some of the images I took. 

As a result of this investigation I looked back at the initial stage of my research and started making walls again. This time I looked a little deeper in the material I used and the effect of light on them.

And in addition to the images I look into the little short time peace images.

Friday, October 4, 2013

R&D 4:


As a result of last we Week, I decided to divide my next step to two different approaches:

1) To create devisions using actual existing spaces
2) bring Human interaction into those spaces

Not to forget, I had to chose a tool for the process of this week. A tool that I can keep constant throughout my process. I chose projector as a tool, because I wanted to experiment the images in large scales.
Through this process I wanted to recreate a feeling, The feeling that is true to one side of this devision, this wall. 

The spaces that I created int he previous sessions are constrained and narrow. They do have a feeling of prison. This week I interrupted those spaces and divided them from each other. Now, one needs to choose where they want to stand. One needs to pick a side. The spaces are even narrower. The devision makes you constrained even more. The idea of choosing will make you belong to a new space. It separates you from the other side, and not only physically but psychologically creates a devision. 

The west bank wall has created two sides. Media tends to justify the wall by creating a scary picture of the palestinian side of the wall. They show the palestinians behind the west bank wall as dangerous and wild. One side of the wall is black and one side is white. On the other side, the side that palestinians are living, things have changed to darkness, Economy is collapsed because many people don't come where the wall separates the lands. conditions created by the wall has forced many people leave their homes. therefor that side has changed into the darker side of the wall.

Bellow are a set of images that captured moments of human interaction within the same spaces. 

Throughout my experimentation I tried to create an actual 3D space using separate walls, using different walls for depth, that allow the viewer walk into the spaces created. 

The images are very powerful and interesting. They are good studies of whatever the next step is going to be. A good study in what the physical presence of the wall is. It is a good base for an installation work. And the scale of the images is very important. During my presentation I placed the images next to each other is very small sizes and that took away from the scale and value of the images and I should keep that in mind, Specially that these walls are huge is scale and huge in their effect on peoples lives.