I find this questions extremely difficult to answer. Obviously, I would first need to determine whether or not I agreed with Greg Smith’s letter. I am firm believer that every story has two sides. If I disagreed with Smith’s position, I would tell my friends, family and clients the truth and give them the full story.
If I agreed with Smith’s positions, I would try to make a difference and consider the negative points in his letter and Improve them in my work. I am not sure how much I can implement this idea, but I would try my best to gain my clients trust by giving them the best advice and making them see why the advice it for their advantage not the the companies. But overall I find it very hard to work in a company that share different values than mine. In some cases depending on the company size or position in a company one can make a change but I believe it will be very difficult to make a change in a company like Goldman Sachs. Therefore, I would resign from Goldman Sachs. In the past, I turn down a very promising job offer from a well known advertising agency in spite of being a recent graduate based on the fact that I would be working on an account for one of the largest cigarette companies. It was an extremely difficult decision to make as I had no other job offer at the time and, moreover, it was during the peak of the financial crisis. Morally, I could not promote a product that I vigorously oppose. I personally would not stay with a company that had different values.
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