Blog your response to this question: if you were teaching this course next year, what one thing would you add and what one thing would you subtract? Please explain why you would do these things.
I would not take anything out of the course, but I would look to revamp the indegogo project.
Given that CCA students come from all different walks of life, including different financial backgrounds and limitations, I felt it was a bit unfair for our grades to be affected by the number of donations made.
At some points, the competition felt more like a popularity contest than a legitimate competition for the best idea. Many students simply contacted their friends and family members to make donations. Obviously, the student’s friends and family members were not objective donors, as they would basis their donation on their relationship rather than which idea was best. This, in turn, hindered student from foreign countries and student with less privileged backgrounds. For example, I had several friends that could not access the site or were technically unable to make the online payment as their credit card was not accepted despite having sufficient funds available. Moreover, many people outside of the United States simply do not have credit cards and as such could not make donations.
Even though my group did very well in the competion, I still believe the overall system may need to be re-assessed.
Thank you very much for the great experience and I hope you have a great summer.
Thanks, Vida - re your concern about the Indiegogo campaign impacting your grade, I apologize if we didn't make it clear that it has no impact on your grade. It was simply intended to give you experience and to help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of this new fundraising platform.