Sunday, October 13, 2013

The wall Study

The wall Study

It didn't take too long for me to realize that the previous stage was all about projections. I used the projector as a tool to enlarge the spaces that I created but the nature of the projection took over the real purpose of the images. So for this step I decided to step away and just study the walls. 

Therefor I took a camera and started walking around the city and capturing walls. I studies the different qualities of these walls. Walls that were decorative, walls that were meant to be protective. Also what were the meaning of some walls. if a house door is clocked by another metal door what does it initiate. The feeling behind the materials that was used to build the walls. 

Bellow are some of the images I took. 

As a result of this investigation I looked back at the initial stage of my research and started making walls again. This time I looked a little deeper in the material I used and the effect of light on them.

And in addition to the images I look into the little short time peace images.

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