After watching Sugata Mitra’s ted talk, I was surprised to learn how little our education system had evolved.
It is sad to see that we use the same old teaching system as those used during the British Empire even though studies have clearly shown this method to be outdated.
The system of educational currently in place reduces curiosity and punishes creativity. Mr. Mitra’s theory of a “School in the Cloud” would undoubtedly promote curiosity and reward creativity. However, I do not believe the “School in the cloud” approach is without its flaws. For example, the “School in the Cloud” approach requires an active and dedicated student body. Absent such, kids may be left behind.
In my opinion, the “School in the Cloud” approach is a great way to spread education in hard to reach and impoverished areas but may not be the global solution to improving our “obsolete” education system.
thanks, Vida - your opinion is shared by many at the TED conference. Few felt this was quite the panacea that was presented.