WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception: (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/weapons-of-mass-deception/)WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception. Dir. Danny Schechter. Perf. Peter Arnett, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. DVD. Cinema Libre, 2004.
// This non fiction movire movie explores the role of media before, during and after the war between US and Iraq. Danny Schechter asks his fellow media colleagues that he believes that they should have answered or covered before, during and after the war. The Director used clips and footage from the news and war in Iraq.
Orwell Rolls in his Grave: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_lYGyIaK80)
Orwell Rolls in his Grave. Dir. Robert Kane Pappas. Perf. Charles Lewis, Robert McChesney, Mark Crispin Miller, Bernie Sanders and Danny Schechter. DVD. Sag Harbor Basement, 2004.
// This movie is a strait forward documentary there for is not there to entertain, but it has a lot of information about media, journalism, politics, corruption and more.
Fahrenheit 9/11:
Fahrenheit 9/11. By Michael Moore. Dir. Michael Moore. Perf. Michael Moore, George W. Bush and Ben Affleck. DVD. Studio Canal, 2004.
// One of the most well known documentaries after 9/11. This movie critically looks at the presidency of G W Bush and fight against terrorism and how the media covered it. He believes that media in the US was the "cheerleader of US and Iraqs war in 2003 and they did not truly justify the reason and rational behind the war.
Times Magazine:
Baker, Aryn. "The YouTube War." Time 27 May 2013: 38-43
// I have been subscribes to the magazine for a year and have been following up on the articles. There are many articles that I found relevant and interesting in the magazine but the one that grabbed my attention the most was the You tube war in Syria. The article talks about how youtube has become a medium of war and acts as a weapon in this civil war. The both sides of the opposing group post up cruel videos of killing or torturing the other side of the fight to send a message or threaten each other. The main question that rises from this article is, what should youtube do with these videos as they increase the violence between the two parties. I will update the list of the other articles as I move forward.
Faces of the Enemy: book and documentary
Book: Keen, Sam. Faces of the enemy: Reflections of the hostile imagination. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986.
VHS: Faces of the enemy. Dir. Bill Jersey and Jeffrey Friedman. VHS. Quest Productions, 1987.
// In this film and book Sam Kenn, the write of the book, reviles how individuals and nations dehumanize their enemies to justify inhumanity of killing them and war. Faces of the Enemy discusses that before we can kill someone we should " think them to death". My interest on this was the part that talks about how many in the USA perceive moslems as terrorist because of what they see an hear everyday on nightly news, in Islamic Fundamentalists’ characterization of the West as the ‘Great Satan’ and their own stereotyping of Muslims as terrorists. This movie and book even though they were written and made 17-16 years ago are still dated. for example every time Israel kills hundreds of people they justify their actions by saying that they killed 2 Israelis.
One Palestine Complete:
Segev, Tom. One Palestine, complete: Jews and Arabs under the Mandate. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2000.
//I am still reading the book. I will update this page as soon as I am done with this book
Occupation 101: Voice of the Silenced Majority (https://vimeo.com/14327996)
Occupation 101: Voice of the Silenced Majority. Dir. Abdallah Omeish and Sufyan Omeish. By Alison Weir. Perf. James Akins, Arik Ascherman and Bishop Barltlett Jr. DVD. 2006.
// This film is on the palestinian- Israeli conflict. the film focuses on the occupation of west bank, gaza and in general palestine by Israil and discusses events from the rise of Zionism to the second Intifada. It also discusses the American - Israeli relations specially the Israeli army and their occupation of the west bank and Gaza Strip.The documentary consists of many real time footage of the conditions in palestine and many interviews with mostly American and Israeli scholars, religious leaders, humanitarian workers, and NGO representatives — more than half of whom are Jewish — who are critical of the injustices and human rights abuses stemming from Israeli policy in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.
Israeli wall isolates Palestinian communities
Kestler-DAmours, Jillian. "Israeli wall isolates Palestinian communities." ALJAZEERA 01 Jan. 2013. 09 Sept. 2013 <http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2012/12/20121225825178322.html>.
// The article discusses how the wall has isolated the Palestinians not only from Jerusalem but from the rest of their relatives on the other side of the wall. The wall has effected them economically and socially. many people had to abandoned their homes because the wall has killed the liveliness of the city. interviews and reports as such " The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territories (UN-OCHA) had a similar analysis: "The barrier has also cut off land and resources needed for Palestinian land and development, resulting in the curtailment of agricultural practice and the undermined [sic] of rural livelihoods throughout the West Bank," read a 2011 report."is given to prove their point. Also in the article is mentioned yet again that the wall is recognized illegal but International Court of Justice but human rights groups have tried to change that and keep the wall as long as it is built on the green line. yet again that is also violated and 85% of the wall is built in west bank.
Israel's assassinations raise questions
Kestler-DAmours, Jillian. "Israel's assassinations raise questions." ALJAZEERA 01 Jan. 2013. 09 Sept. 2013
// Yes another article is about Isriel defending himself therefor he assassins Ahmad Jebasi, Hamas's military commander. Israel officials argue that this is alighn with the international laws as they are defending themselves. They argue that it is better if you arrest and take the " terrorist" to the court but since that is not easy for them, then they just eliminate. during this process they have killed a dozen civilians and wounded many. My understanding is, the killing the palestinians is ok as long as they want to defend themselves.
(Fox News) Israeli Court Bans Use of 'Human Shields'
Associated Press. "Israeli Court Bans Use of 'Human Shields'" Fox News. 06 Oct. 2005. FOX News Network. 16 Sept. 2013 <http://www.foxnews.com/story/2005/10/06/israeli-court-bans-use-human-shields/>.
//The article discuss the history of israeli's militant using palestinians as Human Sheilds in their battles. mainly children
(CBSNEWS) U.N. report accuses Israeli forces of using Palestinian children as human shields, abusing children in custody
Trowbridge, Alexander. "U.N. report accuses Israeli forces of using Palestinian children as human shields, abusing children in custody." CBSNews. 21 June 2013. CBS Interactive. 16 Sept. 2013 <http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57590368/u.n-report-accuses-israeli-forces-of-using-palestinian-children-as-human-shields-abusing-children-in-custody/>.
// The article is about UNISEF and UN report about child abuse in palestine by israilie soldiers and sometime being used as human shields.
UN: Palestinian children tortured, used as human shields by Israel:
Reuters. "UN: Palestinian children tortured, used as human shields by Israel." Haaretz.com. 20 June 2013. Haaretz. 15 Sept. 2013 <http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.530993>.
// This article also Discusses the same topic that the other two articles talks about from Fox news and CBS news. only in more detail. The reason I read the three sources was to see how the same message is delivered in comparison.
Against the Wall:
Sorkin, Michael. Against the wall: Israel's barrier to peace. New York: New P, 2005.// Introduction:
// page vii paragraph two: " the wall ossified a social physics that holds that two national bodies cannot share the same space at the same time"
Introduction: page vii paragraph 2 last three line: " nevertheless, these modest result, as well as the numerous protests by peace groups, artists and others, reinforce solidarity across the border and provide an arena for nonviolent, ethical activity, a model for this book.
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