Sunday, September 29, 2013

R&D 3:

The map:

Since I am exploring the concept of wall and separation I tried using different angles and surfaces of wall to bring forward the areas of my interest. 

I have the map of Palestine focussing on the west bank wall and where it goes. The graffiti and political messages on the wall and the relevant artist. Artist such as Banksy, Blu and many more artist that collaborated on the berlin wall or currently active with graffiti and spreading their political view point on walls. In addition I have listed news sources like Times, New York Times, Al Jazeera and Haarets that I am getting my information from and comparing with one another.  Also on another side of the wall I have the name of the artist and architects that work on walls and plays around with the notion of space.

If i get the chance to spend more time on this map I would like to make it an interactive map. Through that I can reduce some information not he walls so their forms show themselves more and by selecting the walls the audience can get a richer information relevant to that section.

Along with the map I had more explorations of the form and space with my selected material for this weeks critiques. During my exploration I started adding silhouette figures into the space to see how I can effect the space.

However thorough my process I realized not only the figures don't add to the space but also take away from the effect of the images. The audience will become viewers of that image other than becoming people within those space. Therefor as a result I decided to take the figures out and project the images in large scale and allow people explore and walk within the space themselves. 

This experiment lead me to a happy accident that I am taking as the next step for my research. Where I projected the photograph was a small and almost transparent door that made the audience want to open it and see what is behind the door. This encouraged me to explore more the idea of exhibition and notion of actual physical space.

Everyone agreed with the idea of the door and suggested for me to explore using the physical space and the image. Also I was suggested to look at Wall drawings of Matthew Barney and Spaces created by Mike Nelson. Further more the exploration of large projections with the intend to integrate the viewers shadow was received with positive feedback. I find this weeks experiment and work really useful to entire process. Also taking out the implemented figures was a good idea because they do take away from the images.

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